Methods For Reaching Out

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There are many ways you can reach out to potential, and returning clients.  You can spend a lot of money doing this.  The main question becomes, which investments will actually yield results.


Before spending money on marketing services, you need to know which offerings will actually work with your clients.  Here are some considerations on popular methods:


Newspapers -  Advertising can be expensive.  You need to know if your clients actually read their papers, or just glance at headlines.  Some people just move them from the driveway to the recycle bin.  If they don't read the papers, this is a lot of wasted money.


Magazines - It is likely your clients will not be exposed to magazines, except perhaps in a waiting room.  If that is the case, you can be seen, then soon forgotten.  In some communities, however, there may be local magazines that everyone receives, and they actually look through it carefully.


Radio - Radio is most often listened to when people are driving, and they likely don't have a way to note, and remember, the information on your business.


Email - This is a very popular method for communicating today, but frankly there is so much spam email that your communications are likely to be filtered out, and never seen.  If you do use this method, keep it brief, personal, and specific.  For example, a nice reminder email about a recommendation or service may attract attention.  The other thing to try is the newsletter with advice about a seasonal service they may wish to track on their vehicles, ie. be sure to check the tire treads when heading into winter.  Check hoses and connections before taking that summer trip.  Emails that are just ads for your business will be considered a nuisance and deleted, or your business could even be blocked.


Phone -  The only type of call to make is a follow up to a service you just provided, or to inquire about something personal the client mentioned in their last visit.  For example, if they mention a spouse having health issues, and share it with you, make a note, and a few days later give them a call to ask how the person is doing.  This type of caring creates a bond that will not be overlooked in the future.  Also, follow up calls after a service are appreciated, but don't do it as a survey.  Forget the scripts.  Have a chat when you call, inquire if everything is working well now, and then thank them for the opportunity to provide your services.  Any other types of calls may seem intrusive, and work against you.


Mail - Postcards work well because they can easily be saved.  They are great if they provide a reminder of what needs to be performed.  When received, they can easily be placed on a bulletin board, or in a holder, ready for when they need to be used.  Mail that looks like junk will be treated as such.  However, mail that looks personal gets attention.  Handwritten envelopes always get opened.  The letters inside, if printed on a nice paper, will be read.  Be careful about what you write, and always focus on the positive.  Postage is not cheap, but the investment in nice letter stock and envelopes will make sure that investment is never wasted.


Telemarketers - Most people find phone solicitors to be highly offensive, and they may well turn away from your business if you use them.  Most work in call centers, and the person who is interrupted when answering the phone will know immediately what is coming.


Social Media - There is a current trend to turn to social media to make your presence known.  The sales pitch you will receive on using this will assume because so many people populate this medium, you need to be there.  Sure, you may get some leads here, but it is critical to evaluate the ROI on any costs for these providers.  You may also want to check just how social media communicates these messages.  Most people go there to communicate with friends, and totally ignore the paid advertising.  What does happen is a person will ask for referrals for a particular type of service and get 15 different names to check out.  None of the referrals will have specifics, only the comment "I like the guys at ..."    Paying to advertise in this climate may not be a benefit, so if you do try it, make sure to evaluate the results.


There are other ways to reach out, and they may have some success.  Overall, whichever methods you use, keep the message specific and personal.  That provides the best chance your efforts will be rewarded.


Finally, when using any outreach methods, track the results.  In every case, evaluate the Return On Investment by comparing the profit for workorders versus the cost of the outreach method.  If you do not see a net positive income, the method is simply not worth the investment.