Vendor listing

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The Listing is a directory of all vendor's in your payables system.  It includes the name, address, phone, payment cycle, terms, and  credit limit.  The report does not show any financial status for  your payables accounts.


It is suggested that this report be run on a monthly basis, and  maintained in a notebook.  Although The Accountant is very easy to  move about, and to obtain information, there are times when it is  easier to look up a vendor in the directory.  For example, if you  are reviewing worksheets, and realize you want to call someone, and  need a phone number, its in the directory.  


During the holiday  season, you may wish to send cards to your vendors.  Handwritten  envelopes are much more personal at such a time.  It is easier to  hand the list to someone who will address the envelopes than to  scroll the information on the computer.