The Sales Journal

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The Journal provides an itemized financial detail of each workorder,  in numerical sequence.  It is your primary

accounting document, and  may be provided directly to your accountant as your 'books' from which the general ledger may be derived.


The first part of the report is a financial summary that details  income from parts, labor, sublets,  miscellaneous shop supplies,  hazardous waste disposal fees, and tax.  Totals are provided for  taxable, and non-taxable, sums.  It reports the method of payment,  whether cash, check, credit card, or accounts receivable.


The second section is the line item detailing of all workorder  totals.  The ledger style report lists all dates, invoices, account  numbers, and totals for parts, labor, sublets, miscellaneous  supplies, hazardous waste, tax, and totals.   In addition, detail is  provided for payments as deposits, cash, checks, credit cards, and  the balance due.  Non taxable items are also detailed.


This is a critical document that should be printed on a weekly  basis, and maintained in a journal cover.  This will enable your accounting professional the opportunity to readily review, and  audit, your books.