Marketing Using ASW 10

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MasterLink has built powerful marketing tools for Auto Shop Writer.  We have worked with principles we believe are cost effective and beneficial to your business.


Some people prefer to hire a 3rd party vendor to provide these services.  We encourage all of our clients to evaluate their options and make a business decision based on their findings.


A critical factor is to evaluate your Return Of Investment.  Here is a simple way to do this:


 A)  Calculate all of the costs for your marketing effort.  This includes shop time necessary to prepare materials, and the fees you pay for the services you use.  Remember to be complete.


 B)  Calculate the profit from business you can directly attribute to business brought from your marketing effort.


 C)  Subtract the costs from the profit and you will know your ROI.  It must be a positive number, or your marketing effort is losing money.


It would be wise to do this on each aspect of your marketing program.  This is the only way you will know precisely what works, and what doesn't.  You can then focus your attention on those activities which benefit your company financially.


The following topics may help in planning your activities.