Inventory report by user specified criterion |
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A listing of all parts that match one, or more, criterion can be printed, which indicates the part number, description, and stocking information. This report may be quite useful for identifying parts which fall into specific subgroups.
The system selects items based on only those criterion where a value is specified. The criterion for selection include:
Date of last sale range
The range of 'last sale' dates should be entered, with the beginning and ending date desired. Both dates do not have to be specified. Entering 12/01/89 in the beginning field would provide a report for all parts last sold on, or after, December 1, 1989. A report with only an ending date will list all parts sold prior to, or on, the date.
Date of last purchase range
The date of last purchase works in an identical manner to that of last sale, except it refers to the last time one of the items was obtained from the vendors. The beginning, ending, or both dates, may be used to filter the report.
Location range
A report can be run for locations within a specified range. For example, all of the parts in location L-1 could be listed by entering the code in both areas. A report for everything from L-1 to L-4 would include all parts with a location code that matches these items. When specifying a code, remember that spaces also have value. L-1 will not include L-123 because the spaces have a value that is less than a number. Letters have a higher sorting value than numbers, and spaces would be the lowest. Consequently, to run all L's, it would be necessary to have a range from [L ] to [LZZZZ]. Since numbers are higher than spaces, and lower than letters, they would all be included in the report.
A specific manufacturer may be indicated. For example, all Bosworthy parts would be listed by entering the name in the Manufacturer's field. Correct spelling is crucial to have a complete report.
Entering a vendor code will limit the list to only those parts who have the matching code in one of the four Vendor fields.
Perhaps the most useful sort is by code. Review the sort code options listed earlier in this chapter. It is often helpful to review information on just those parts in a particular category, ie. lubrication. At other times it is nice to review all belts, or hoses. The sort code makes very efficient work of this reporting need. |