G/L Transactions Listing |
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The Transaction report provides a list of all transactions in the General Ledger file. Other reports summarize this data by account. However, if transactions have been entered which do not belong to a current account (usually because the account was deleted after the transactions were posted), they will not be totaled properly, and could lead to an unbalanced ledger.
By running this report, the system will display all transactions in the file for the dates specified at the opening prompt.
To evaluate the status of unclosed transactions, print the report for an extended period, ie. 01/01/80 to 12/31/99. This will then print every record in the file.
If performed after a period closing, it will list only those items that did not clear, and they may be evaluated to determine if they are posted to inactive accounts, or simply not in the date range which was processed. Perhaps a series of items were not cleared because a closing was not performed for that date. Once errors are located, they can be modified using the Ledger Posting.
Another use of this report function is to list all items to be processed during a period closing. For example, if a closing were to be performed for February, one would enter the dates 02/01/90 to 02/28/90. The system would print all February transactions. Once the closing was performed, the items would then be moved. If closings are performed on a weekly basis, the operator would still use the entire date range to pick up any other items that may have been posted prior to the actual working dates, but not previously cleared. |