ASW Error Log File |
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All errors that are recorded in the system are saved in the file ERROR.LOG. The information may be quite detailed, but it does provide MasterLink with the specific information necessary to find the exact problem encountered.
Here is a sample of an error message in The Auto Shop Writer:
Application The information provided in this section tells us the location the program, when the error occured, and its type. Path and name: D:\VERSION6\V6WIN\WEMS6.EXE Size: 652,800 bytes Error ocurred at: 04/27/99, 20:16:16 Error description: Error BASE/1110 Argument error: SUBSTR Args: [ 1] = U [ 2] = N [ 3] = N
Stack Calls This is the most critical section. It tells us exactly which "subroutine" and line of the program had the error. It may seem misleading because the first two lines of this example refer to the error handling routine. However, on line 3 we see that the error actually occured in the function PARSCH, on line 1260. Based on the infromation from the Application section, we know it is a SUBSTR error. The program staff can now determine exactly what caused the error, and advise the user how to work around the problem. Called from LOCKERRHAN(0) Called from (b)INITHANDL$(0) Called from PARSCH(1260) Called from (b)PRO1040(161) Called from TBUTTON:CLICK(0) Called from TBUTTON:HANDLEEVEN(0) Called from SENDMESSAG(0) Called from TDIALOG:COMMAND(0) Called from TDIALOG:HANDLEEVEN(0) Called from DIALOGBOX(0) Called from TDIALOG:ACTIVATE(0) Called from PRO1040(359) Called from (b)PRO1000(172) Called from TBUTTON:CLICK(0) Called from TBUTTON:HANDLEEVEN(0) Called from SENDMESSAG(0) Called from TDIALOG:COMMAND(0) Called from TDIALOG:HANDLEEVEN(0) Called from DIALOGBOX(0) Called from TDIALOG:ACTIVATE(0) Called from PRO1000(205) Called from (b)PRO100M(103) Called from TWBROWSE:LDBLCLICK(0) Called from TWBROWSE:LDBLCLICK(0) Called from TWBROWSE:HANDLEEVEN(0) Called from DIALOGBOX(0) Called from TDIALOG:ACTIVATE(0) Called from PRO100M(108) Called from (b)MAIN(110) Called from TBTNBMP:CLICK(0) Called from TBTNBMP:LBUTTONUP(0) Called from TBTNBMP:HANDLEEVEN(0) Called from WINRUN(0) Called from TWINDOW:ACTIVATE(0) Called from MAIN(162)
DataBases in use It is also helpful to know exactly which databases are in use, the indexes that are available, and which one is active. In this case the file EPRORD was being used, and the pending work index was being used. We also know that there are 11 open data files, plus all of their associated indexes. 1: => DB001 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 1 20263 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName upper(ordcom) EPRCOM upper(vehlic) EPRVLI upper(vehlic)+wrkord EPRALI paydat EPRPDT => wrkord EBAORD wrkord EPRORD
2: DB002 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 1 1 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName
3: DB003 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 17 20 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName => charge ERFLAB
4: DB004 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 1 19 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName => upper(cstmec) ELACST
5: DB005 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 8 98985 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName => wrkord+STR(relpos,4) EPRPLM
6: DB006 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 5 250 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName acpnum AAPVEN => upper(acpcom) AAPCOM
7: DB007 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 1451 22970 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName => upper(glscod)+ glsyer + UPPER(glsmaEGLSLT
8: DB008 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 1 249 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName => upper(glscod) EGLSLA
9: DB009 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 1149 10810 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName => upper(invnum) EINNUM upper(invdes)+upper(invnum) EINDES upper(invcod) EINCRS upper(invnum) EINSTK upper(invdes)+upper(invnum) EINSDE upper(invloc)+upper(invnum) EINLOC upper(invnum) EINCAT upper(invdes)+ upper(invnum) EINNDE
10: DB010 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 8 56212 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName wrkord EPRPAR => filnum EPRPAL upper(parnum) EPRIPA wrkdat EPRIPD
11: DB011 RddName: _DBFCDX ============================== RecNo RecCount BOF EOF 1 42773 .F. .F.
Indexes in use TagName wrkord EPRLAB => filnum EPRLAL wrkdat EPRLDT