Viruses # 1 Problem

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The number 1 problem we hear about relates to viruses.  This is both devastating, and avoidable.  It is also the most costly, and MasterLink Software DOES NOT do any virus work !


There are many anti-virus programs on the market, and they will prevent most intrusions.  They all require active subscriptions to the virus database, and if you don't keep that current, you won't be protected against new viruses.  Be sure you have a good program, have it installed, and have it updated at least once per day ( automatically ).


The best defense against viruses is common sense.  If you follow these rules, you will not likely get contaminated.


Only go to websites you know, hosted by sources you know,for specific purposes related to your work.

Do not accept unsolicited downloads when visiting a site. Know what you are getting before you go there.

Do not visit websites with any type of media to download.

When you receive emails, do not click on the links provided

Look at the content carefully.   Virus authors are smart when it comes to causing destruction but their spelling and grammar are usually terrible.

Don't be fooled.  No one died and left you millions, no "friend" sent you a postcard, and you won't get a Rolex at a very low price.  All of these will lead you to trouble.


Lay down the law with your employees and tell them they will pay for any virus cleanup if you find them on any site not related directly to the exercise of their duties assigned by the job.

Mean it, and enforce it.