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This tab will display the buttons for Workorder services provided by 3rd party vendors.  If you do not have the service, you will not see a button displayed.


For complete details on what is offered, and how to use them, review the manual section on Interface Products.


In general, if you are using a Customer Follow Up system, and see a button, it will usually be to run a report, or to add data for transmission to your service provider.


If you click on a Parts Catalog button, you will find it activates the vendor's software and you can place an order for parts you need for that invoice.  When you exit that program, returning to ASW, any parts ordered will automatically be applied to the workorder.


If you are using a Labor Guide, the same principle applies.  You can look up the labor description, and it will be brought back into ASW.  You will have an option to import a new labor record with the 3rd party description, or just apply the labor rate to a specific task.