Deleting Workorders

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Workorders should never be deleted.

To do so breaks the continuity of the numbering system, and also is a "red flag" in an audit.  It signals "missing workorders" and "hidden income.".


When work is declined


Not every estimate will be accepted by a client.  When this occurs, write the word "Declined" on the estimate and ask the client to sign it.  If you are audited later, you have clear coverage that the work was never performed.



When an order is started accidently.


Sometimes an order is started, and you don't even get to the point of adding estimate items.  Perhaps you did assign a vehicle, or client.  Maybe it just started as a cash sale and you didn't mean to create a new order.  When this occurs, simply reassign the workorder to a new, correct, vehicle and add the detail.  You do this by going into the Vehicle Add/Edit mode, finding the right vehicle, and then exiting, saying Yes when asked if you want to use that vehicle on this workorder.