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The Audit report is a very powerful tool that will help you eliminate employee fraud.  Here is an example:


Max often processed payments for workorders.  Sometimes when a client paid in cash, Max would print the invoice, hand it to the client, then go back into the computer and remove some parts from the listing, or adjust a labor charge.  He put part of the cash in the drawer, and the rest in his pocket.


His employer, Susie, suspected there was a problem.  So, she started running audit reports on individual workorders and discovered a pattern of cash sales where the totals were adjusted downward.  She gathered the evidence, and then observed Max doing this with a transaction.  She called the police, had him arrested, and pushed for charges to be pressed.  It turned out Max had stolen over $ 40,000 from the receipts.


The Audit report asks you to select any workorder.  It then will show you any changes to the totals, at which workstation they occured, and if there was an increase or decrease in the total.  Increases are expected, and decreases are not.  It also shows if the change is in parts, labor, or both.


Some companies run this report, using the view mode, to audit every closed workorder, and print out those with declining totals.


Employee theft is a significant liability for companies, and stopping it provides the honest staff a sense of security knowing the health of the company is considered important.